Saturday, November 07, 2009

Update on foster care and life in general

It's been a while since I've made an entry, guess life is just really crazy... Right now Ashlee and I are working our way towards getting our foster care license. Actually, our paperwork is submitted, we are only waiting to hear back from the state if we will get our license. There's some chance we'll have children in our home soon.

I'm getting close to finishing up with my schoolwork for my graduate degree. It's taking longer than I would like but, well, it happens. It'll sure be nice to finish my Master's, I'm just glad that that day will come soon...

Ashlee's working on selling her artwork at a local store. If you haven't checked it out yet, take a look at . I'm attempting to do the same with my photography, but it's a slow battle... Sigh. Hopefully we'll figure out something soon.

Guess that's all of the news for now.

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